Brytt in the NICU

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

My 1st Week Struggle...

The first week after Brytt was born Robin was able to take off and spend at the hospital with me. That was such a blessing. I don't know why but that first week I could not stand to be in the NICU for very long. Poor Robin. He would sit in there forever and I couldn't. I would sit in there for about 15 minutes and that's all I could take. I would then go sit out in the waiting room by myself for hours then go back in for 15 minutes. I just couldn't do it.

After that first week, Robin had to go back to work and I knew that I would have to do better. It was like someone turning on a switch. After that, I had no problems being in there. I could sit there for hours and be fine. I don't know what my hang up was that first week. I don't know if it was the shock, the not knowing, all the equipment or that I just felt in the way. But mostly you feel so helpless. Thankfully I got over that pretty fast...

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